Setup scheduled tasks

This demo assumes you've already logged in to Plesk.

Now let's learn how to setup scheduled tasks.

Click the "Scheduled Tasks" link here on the right.

Select which system user will run the scheduled task.

Before adding a task, let's click "Settings".

Choose how you would like to be notified when the task runs, then click "OK".

Now let's create the task... click "Add Task".

Enter a description for the task.

Then specify the command to run, including the path to where the command is.

You can change the task priority.

Then specify when and how often you want the task to run.

When ready, click "OK".

That's it! The scheduled task has been created, and the task will run at the specified times until it's removed.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup scheduled tasks in Plesk.

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