19. Configuring your website in FTP Voyager

This tutorial assumes you already have FTP Voyager running on your computer, but have not connected to a remote server.

Now let's learn how to configure our website in FTP Voyager.

1) Select don't ask this again, and click use the site profile manager directly.

You can create a folder to save your particular websites' logins. This is useful, for example, when you want to keep work and personal websites separate.

2) Click new folder.

3) Enter a name for the new folder.

4) Click save.

Now let's configure a new site inside this new folder.

5) Keeping demosites selected, click the new site button.

6) Enter a name or label for this new site (this is for your reference only)

7) Then enter the server address.

Note: the host address can be in the form of ftp.yourdomain.comyourdomain.com or just the IP address.

As soon as you click the hostname field, you will notice that it's automatically populated with the site label you just entered. If it's correct, leave it as is or else modify.

8) If you have a specific path of a folder on the remote server you wish to connect to directly, then you can enter it here.

9) Enter the username and password here.

10) After you are done, click save.

11) Let's connect to the website. Click this icon.

That's it! We've successfully connected to our website via FTP.

12) To disconnect from the site, first click browser...

13) ...and then click disconnect.

You are successfully disconnected from the server.

This is the end of the tutorial. Now you know how to configure a website in FTP Voyager for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection.

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